Friday, March 29, 2013

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Simple Creative Photography Tricks

Creative photography tricks can bring new life to dull portfolios.

A few creative tricks are often what separate average photographers from great ones. The nice thing is it really doesn't take much to become creative. Here are a few suggestions that can turn your photos from ordinary to extraordinary:

Zoom In. Either by physically moving your body closer to the subject, or by using a zoom lens feature. The great photographer, Robert Capa said, "If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough."

Zoom Out. This is a really creative technique for DSLR owners with a zoom lens. Using a slower lens speed, zoom out from your subject AS you take the shot. This will result in an interesting motion blur radiating out from your focused subject in the center.

Get Lower. So many photos appear average because we've seen them shot the same way so many times. That's because most people shoot from their standing position. Everything appears to be shot from a perspective of about 5 1/2 feet off the ground. Great photos show us a perspective we're not used to seeing. The flower shot from normal standing height is not nearly as spectacular as the same flower shot while lying down in the garden looking up at the sky. And for goodness sake, when you photograph children or animals get down to their eye level. This creative photography trick will greatly enhance your photos.

Get Higher. Grab a ladder or step stool. Get up onto the playground equipment. Get up higher on the stairs. While this technique is in direct contradiction of the one above the intent is the same - to create a new and interesting perspective.

People are so bored. They're mentally starving for a different view. Using a few creative photography tricks you can really cause them to snap out of it. When you can do that, they will proclaim your photos magnificent and you will be their hero.

As you can see, you won't need to go to class or spend years studying photography. Providing a new view is one of the simplest creative photography tricks anyone can use to improve their photos.

Digital Photography Success

Creative photography tricks don't have to be complicated or difficult to master. Often just a few simple changes to how you shoot will greatly multiply the impact of your photos. Best of all, these photography tips can be used by everyone, not just professionals. Photography Ebooks And Recurring Monthly Photography Emagazine With Video Tutorial Every Month. Includes Lightroom 4 Instructions And Personalized One On One Support. Excellent, Personalized Tools For Affiliates- Videos, Articles, Banners And More. Read MoreDigital Photography Success

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ideas on How to Take Trick Levitation Photos, No Baby Tossing Required!

Trick photography that involves levitation often puts a smile on my face. It is always inspiring to see fun and creative ideas by ordinary and talented photographers alike. Even when you know the photo is digitally manipulated with software like Adobe Photoshop, the genuine sense of wonder and amazement never ceases. Maybe it's our secret desire for flight that creates these feelings we get when we come across great examples of levitation trick photos.

Did you see the one with the floating baby?

If you've spent any time on the Internet you'll undoubtedly have seen some great examples of levitation photography. They're mostly beautiful, surreal, or creepy pictures of people floating in mid-air without any kind of support, defying gravity. One mother decided to take it even further and let her baby do the levitating. If you haven't seen it then you can search for "Rachel Hulin flying baby" online. An excellent twist on the standard baby photos that all parents love to take, her photographs takes it to a higher level, literally. The effect is so convincing that some people thought she tossed the baby in the air but she assures people her baby wasn't tossed.

So how is it done?

Basically, the simplest way to do a levitation trick shot is to just jump and take a photo at the same time. Technically you don't even need to do any photoshop work later if it's done right. As long as you can hold a pose in mid-air that doesn't look like you're jumping, the effect is very convincing. Of course this wouldn't work well with babies, so we need to use some other techniques that do involve digital manipulation.

Some ideas for jumping

To get great levitation photos from jumping, the key is to reduce all the tell-tale signs of a jump. The photo needs to look sharp, meaning no motion blur unless it's used for artistic effect. Some of the great examples are those where the body is stationary in mid-air but flowing things like hair and dress looks as if its underwater. Throwing in some impossible-to-perform jump moves can create poses that looks really wacky and outrageous.

Hiding props

If you want a specific pose or shot that is difficult to execute, then you could rely on using props, either hidden or digitally removed later in software. Sometime some rope or supporting structure is just enough for you to hold a pose long enough to take your desired trick shot.

There are many ways you could hide a prop. Remember that a photo is 2D, so with clever framing and use of perspectives you could hide all traces of a prop if you wish. Materials that flow like fabric does an excellent job of hiding rigid props.

Another thing to consider is that a photograph is static in time, so you could remove the prop just immediately before the photo is taken. A favorite is to hold onto a door knob (make sure it's sturdy enough!) while standing on a stool or box. Kick the stool or box away while extending your legs and body as horizontally as you can, and you have yourself a classic "hanging on to a door knob" pose that looks as if you're being vacuumed or sucked into a black hole or something.

Cut and paste and compositing

Sometimes you can't avoid using photoshop to create that special levitation effect you're looking for, so you'll need to composite several images into one. The trick to getting it to look right is the lighting and shadows. These are intuitively the biggest tell-tale signs of photoshop (other than the impossibility of it!). You'll need to pre-visualize what the final photo looks like so that you can set up your lights and camera. Once you find your perfect angle then lock it down with a tripod and take multiple shots with and without the floating foreground object. When you have multiple images with the same lighting and shadows then the composite image looks a lot more convincing.

Final thoughts

Photography is supposed to be fun, so spend some time and see what other people are doing. There are websites and photo albums dedicated entirely to create these trick photos, so you'll never run out of inspiration. Share your creations and you'll be inspiring others to try it out as well.

Photography Jobs Online | Make $10k Per Month With Just 5 Sales A Day!

Trick photography that involves levitation often puts a smile on my face. It is always inspiring to see fun and creative ideas by ordinary and talented photographers alike. Even when you know the photo is digitally manipulated with software like Adobe Photoshop, the genuine sense of wonder and amazement never ceases. Everyday Thousands Of People Are Looking For Photography Jobs, How To Sell Their Photos And How To Make Money With Their Photography - We Have The Answer! Make $10k/mo. With Just 5 Sales A Day! Read MorePhotography Jobs Online | Make $10k Per Month With Just 5 Sales A Day!

Legal and Copyright Issues in Photography

If you're doing photography as a business, you might have wondered about legal and copyright issues. After all, trick photography is still part of photography whether you digitally manipulate the images or not. Have you ever seen a piece of video or a show that includes public shots and some of the faces seem to be blurred out? That is not poor production values on the part of the video team. The producers who eventually sold that video to be used commercially did not secure releases from those individuals. And if they used their images, they are laying themselves open for lots of legal problems.

So how do you know if the work you are doing in your photography or trick photos business requires such releases? After all, it's better to be safe than sorry and get releases from everyone you use as a subject than face a surprise problem down the road.

If you snap for portraits, weddings or other events where the intent of your work is to sell the photos to the people being photographed, there is certainly no need for releases. As long as you have no intention of ever using any of those photographs in a sale that will profit your business other than the original way, then you should be fine.

It is when you are working with models to provide photos for advertising, magazines, newspapers or any other purpose in which you are selling the images you have photographed for a profit, that is when a release is needed. This whole area of professional photography is very profitable because you are working at a higher level of professionalism than photographing the public to provide them with portrait pictures. It is a lucrative arena of professional photography, the competition to make those sales is very competitive.

When you are working with professional models, securing their releases is pretty routine and never a problem. They are working for you and they know the photographs are for sale so their agents and lawyers do all the legwork so the releases are proper. But from your perspective, don't let this detail go unattended to. After all, it is your responsibility to your customers, those magazines or ad agencies who look to you for professional photography work, are assuming you have this covered and that they can count on you to deliver not only quality work but work that has been legally released to be used for promotion.

The complexities come if you do your shoots in a public place such as a park, a mall or anywhere that there may be traffic that becomes part of the shot. If you complete the shoot and discover that the perfect shot that fits your customers needs just right happens to have miscellaneous members of the public in the background, you have to secure the releases from them or you cannot sell that photograph.

So what can you do to avoid these situations? You could think ahead and try to secure those releases on the spot. But if the people you are trying to convince to sign such releases know you are going to use their images for profit, and you pretty much have to tell them, you get into another whole level of negotiation. But you sure don't want to have to blur their faces out on the shot.vYou could Photoshop them out but then you might lose the spontaneity of the shot.

It is best to stage the shot from start to finish. If you want traffic to be occurring around your model, bring in models who can do the job for you. Any good modeling agency to provide you with average looking models to use for this purpose. You will have to pay them but at least you know that the shot is clean. Plus when you sell the shot, you are going to get questions about whether those models were paid and if you have releases on them too.

You can find a standard release form on the web or your lawyer can help you develop one that covers the legalities you need handled but also reflects how you want to handle this issue. But make this a priority. By protecting yourself, you can do good business and profitable business but above all, legal business in perusing your professional photography career.

The Easiest Way To Start A Photography Business (newportraitbiz

If you're doing photography as a business, you might have wondered about legal and copyright issues. After all, trick photography is still part of photography whether you digitally manipulate the images or not. Have you ever seen a piece of video or a show that includes public shots and some of the faces seem to be blurred out? That is not poor production values on the part of the video team. The producers who eventually sold that video to be used commercially did not secure releases from those individuals. And if they used their images, they are laying themselves open for lots of legal problems. Finally An Easy System That Teaches How To Start & Market A Photography Business - Even If You Have Never Been In Business Before. (No Expensive Studio Required Read MoreThe Easiest Way To Start A Photography Business (newportraitbiz

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How Trick Photography Can Enhance Your Life

Do you ever feel like your creativity is lacking? Does everyone seem to have the same answers for the same questions? What can we do to help us think outside of the box?

Last summer my friends and I were running around enjoying the warm summer evening while playing with sparklers. One of my friends wanted to remember the moment so she pulled out her camera to take a picture of all of us waving our sparklers around like a bunch of lunitics. After checking the picture on her digital camera, we stumbled across something amazing. In the picture we barely noticed ourselves but the trails of light left by our moving sparklers. This took over the rest of our evening as we all proceeded to draw pictures and sign our names while pictures were taken. What we had stumbled upon is known as trick photography.

Trick photography is a series of photography techniques that can be used to take a picture of whatever your imagination can come up with. Infra-red lighting can be used to take away color leaving white and outlines. Laser pens can be used to outline images. Color settings can be adjusted to make certain objects pop out to be 3d like. The camera can be rotated to create 360 degree panoramic pictures which will leave your friends asking "how did you do that?" The possibilities are literally limited only by your imagination.

These photography techniques can be practiced and mastered with nothing more than a regular camera, time, and a little imagination. After that evening with the sparklers, I decided to spend some time to look up different photography tips and practice the techniques that I learned by accident.

I started to view the world differently. When I would go to take a picture of a tree I would ask myself "how can I make this tree look like more than just a tree?" "What other angles can I take this picture from other than standing in front of it the way everyone normally sees it?" I no longer followed the beaten path but started to blazed my own trail, and trail turned out however I wanted it to be.

This new mindset carried over into other areas of my life. If I wanted to get a new job, I would ask myself "How can I get this job in another way than just filing out an application and waiting for a call?" If I wanted to cook a meal, I would start to look at different techniques and ingredients than the ones on the box that everyone else followed.

Trick photography isn't the only source to unleash your mind's creativity, but it really worked wonders for myself and my life. Educate yourself and apply your new knowledge. It's a beautiful day and I'm about to head outside. Hope to see you out there!



Make Money With Your Digital Camera - Home-based Photography Business!

How can you learn to see what isn't there? Trick photography can help. Home-Based Photography Business Opportunity Earns $200+ Per Day With Digital Camera Photographing Real Estate, Cars, Boats, RV's, Etc.. in Your Local Area! Make Money Digital Camera Photography Business. Affiliates: Read MoreMake Money With Your Digital Camera - Home-based Photography Business!

Creative and Interesting Ideas for Forced Perspective Trick Photography

We all love taking pictures and sharing it with the world, as shown by the popularity of image sharing websites like Instagram and Facebook. We just like to have fun, get creative, and snap away. I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find a forced perspective picture taken by anyone who have ever held a camera and seen one on these pictures.

I'm talking about the "impossible" pictures of people holding a mini-sized person on the palm of their hands, or "giant" tourists seen to be pushing or hugging the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In the age of Photoshop these kinds of photos might not be very surprising anymore, but the fact is that it is all done just with creative framing of the camera and some trial and error poses. Sooner or later, you will be tempted to try it, so here are some great ideas to get you started.

Hangman or mini-me

This is one of the more common ideas that people will try, but when you execute it well, it is still incredibly satisfying. The idea is to create a picture where you're holding or picking up a miniature person with your hand or fingers. To do this well, you need maximum distance and depth of field. You need to get the camera very close to the person who is holding the miniature people. Then have the miniature person to stand and pose as far away as possible while still being in acceptably sharp focus. If one of the person is in very sharp focus but the other is not then it ruins the illusion, so get a good compromise so that they match in sharpness. Have the larger person in the foreground hold up their hand and fingers as if they're picking up a very small object. For the mini person, hide a coat hanger or a stick under their shirt so that the shirt appears to poke out. Frame your camera to match the fingers and the tip of the shirt that is poking out and you have a picture of a giant person picking up a mini person by their shirt!

Russian nested dolls

This works best if you and a group of people are standing on an open and very flat area like a desert or on the beach, where the horizon stretches to infinity. Setup the camera and have each person stand and pose at an evenly spaced distance from the camera as well as from each other. Make them all have the exact same pose and pointing to the same direction. The result is you get is an interesting forced perspective picture of a group of people, each smaller than the other, with the same pose looking like a series of Russian nested dolls.

Playing with the sun

The sun, as depicted in photographs are often evocative and expressive due to the warm colours and emanating glow during sunset or sunrise. If you find yourself with a camera during this golden hour of photographic opportunity, why not take a picture where you or your subject is interacting directly with the sun? Hold a pose, such as kicking a soccer ball and move your camera so the sun is where the ball should be. You could also hide the sun behind your subject's head, but with the rays of light clearly visible and spreading out to suggest enlightenment.

There are no limits on how creative you can be with forced perspective. Instead of just taking another picture of a landmark on your travels, or a smiling group photo, you can really liven things up with some imagination and great ideas to create that next great forced perspective picture!

Profitable Photography

We all love taking pictures and sharing it with the world, as shown by the popularity of image sharing websites like Instagram and Facebook. We just like to have fun, get creative, and snap away. I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find a forced perspective picture taken by anyone who have ever held a camera and seen one on these pictures. How To Easily Start Up & Market A Profitable Photography Business - Even If You Have Never Been In Business Before. Make Up To $720 Pw, Part-time With Your Camera, Selling Photos. Read MoreProfitable Photography